What a woman is looking for in the active testA woman is looking for one thing in the active test...CONGRUENCE. To administer the active test, she waits until the moment you realize that you HAVE her, that she's YOURS. Once that moment registers with you, she looks for ANY deviation in behavior.
For the unready man, a sudden mental switch occurs when he realizes he HAS the girl he wants. Before he had NOTHING, so he had nothing to lose. It allowed him to play games and change the way he interacts with the world to impress the ladies and work past the "passive tests".
When he realizes that he HAS the woman, he suddenly has something to LOSE. As a result, his strategy changes from "search and destroy" to "hold the line at all costs". The woman suddenly becomes much more precious. As a result, the false confidence he could display when he truly didn't have anything to lose evaporates. Behaviors manifest that bely his true unconfident nature, such as:
-Being too eager...to return calls, to set dates, etc
-Getting into set patterns and worrying when those patterns deviate
-Acting possessive or suspicious
-Trying too hard to please...supplicating, buying gifts, being "overly romantic"
Do you recognize these behaviors? They're the hallmarks of "AFC" behavior. And the unready man doesn't even REALIZE that he's giving off these signs. Why not? Because he says to himself, "I CAN'T be a chump any more! I already HAVE the girl!"
This is why the ACTIVE test is so diabolical. With the man believing he has already won, he feels he no longer has to "play" the game...yet he's faced with the new challenge of what to DO with what's been given to him. Without the "game" to back him up, he's left scrambling to hang on to something that he's surprised he got in the first place, and is now DESPERATE not to lose.
Game OverOnce a woman sees this deviation in behavior, her TRUST in who you are is compromised. This is often the END of your relationship with her...you just don't know it until the ******d signs start manifesting. She can no longer trust that you truly ARE the confident, suave character who successfully negotiated his way through her passive traps and into her heart. You've been exposed as a fraud, one who doesn't have a CLUE what to do with a woman once he has one.
And honestly...how SHOULD you? Especially if this is your first time reaching that point with a woman? Even the best game-runners have no CLUE this is coming and fall to this gambit. The ONLY men who survive it are "naturals".
Just described what happened in my last relationship